Friday, 31 January 2014

                  SWORD ARSENAL

All of the creative fantasy swords from one of the
best video games of all time ZELDA.

Here are some cool swords I drew.but some of them are
                    recreations of historical ones                            

                                When it comes to quality swords
                       japan is the expert in every way the only better
                               swords are..................................

                                     they're  metre long laser swords
                                   that can cut through Darth vader
                                    and are wielded by Jedi

Now for the best
The most awesome
most creative 
most fantsastic and
personal favuorite
weapons gallery

BAM BEST EVER by matt rosak .good job

for further reading on real swords read ''swords an artists devotion"    by ben boos,I red it and you should too.CLICK HERE

feel free to download these images too

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